Shiquan Dou, Ph. D.
窦世权博士近年来主要从事“战略性矿产资源产业链供应链韧性与安全”和“矿产资源开发利用的环境、社会和治理问题”的相关研究,先后参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家社会科学基金重大项目、国家自科基金面上项目等国家级课题研究,在《Resources Policy》《Futures》《Sustainable Development》《The Extractive Industries and Society》《Journal of Environmental Management》《Journal of Cleaner Production》《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》《Mineral Economics》等国内外期刊发表多篇文章。
[1]徐德义.《应用统计20例》. 中国地质大学出版社. 2020. (参编)
[2]刘江宜, 黎清华, 张洁, 窦世权. 《旅游海岛资源环境承载能力评价》. 中国环境出版集团, 2022.
1.Zhang, J.,Dou, S.*,Liu, J., Chen, Y., 2023. Ecological challenges on small tourist islands: A case from Chinese rural island. Sustainable Development.https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2745(SSCI,通讯作者)
2.Dou, S.Q.,Liu, J.Y., Xiao, J.Z. and Pan, W., 2020. Economic feasibility valuing of deep mineral resources based on risk analysis: Songtao manganese ore-China case study.Resources Policy, 66, 101612.(SSCI)
3.Dou, S., Yue, C., Xu, D., Wei, Y., Li, H., 2022. Rethinking the “resource curse”: New evidence from nighttime light data.Resources Policy,76, 102617.(SSCI)
4.Dou, S., Xu, D., Zhu, Y., Keenan, R., 2023. Critical mineral sustainable supply: Challenges and governance.Futures,146, 103101.(SSCI)
5.Jiangyi, L.,Shiquan, D*.and Hmeimar, A.E.H., 2020. Cost-effectiveness analysis of different types of payments for ecosystem services: A case in the urban wetland ecosystem.Journal of Cleaner Production, 249, 119325.(SCI,通讯作者)
6.Dou, S.,Xu, D., Keenan, R.J., 2023. Effect of income, industry structure and environmental regulation on the ecological impacts of mining: An analysis for Guangxi Province in China.Journal of Cleaner Production400, 136654.(SCI)
7.Jiangyi, L.,Shiquan, D., 2022. Eco-compensation in China: achievement, experience, and improvement.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 60867–60884.(SCI,通讯作者)
8.Dou, S.,Zhu, Y., Xu, D., Amuakwa-Mensah, F., 2023. Ecological challenges in the economic recovery of resource-depleted cities in China.Journal of Environmental Management333, 117406.(SCI)
9.Chen, Y.,Dou, S., Xu, D., 2021. The effectiveness of eco-compensation in environmental protection -A hybrid of the government and market.Journal of Environmental Management, 280, 111840.(SCI,第二作者)
10.Shiquan, D., Deyi, X., Hang, L., 2022. Evaluation the feasibility of using ecosystem costs to control environmental losses at mining sites.The Extractive Industries and Society,101050.(SSCI)
11.Shiquan, D., Amuakwa-Mensah, F., Deyi, X., Yue, Chen, Yue, Cheng, 2022. The impact of mineral resource extraction on communities: How the vulnerable are harmed.The Extractive Industries and Society, 101090.(SSCI)
12.Shiquan, D., Deyi, X., 2023. The security of critical mineral supply chains.Mineral Economics,36, 401-412.
13.刘江宜,窦世权,牟德刚, 2020.海岛资源环境承载能力评价研究——以广西涠洲岛为例.中国渔业经济, 38, 109–120.
14.刘江宜,窦世权,肖建忠,张洁,潘文, 2019.基于全生命周期的矿产资源开发环境影响评估——以贵州松桃锰矿整装勘查区为例.资源与产业, 21, 36–43.
15.刘江宜,窦世权,黎清华,张洁, 2019.旅游海岛水资源环境承载能力研究.生态经济, 35, 130-135+184.